Fix Loud Fan Win10 Dell Notebook

My Dell notebook was making very loud fan noises as soon as it was connected to the dock. I already suspected the windows powerplan ...

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2012R2 IPv6 DHCP without Router

If you want to have your DHCP-Server assigning unique local ipv6 addresses, but you don't have a IPv6 gateway or router jet, you will notice the following behavior: The IPv6 adre...

In DHCP, IPv6, Oct 29, 2015

Remote Powershell

Login automatically with current privileges Enter-PSSession -computername hostname

In Administration, PowerShell, Oct 27, 2015

Get Powershell Version

$PSVersionTable $PSVersionTable.PSCompatibleVersions$PSVersionTable.PSVersion

In PowerShell, Oct 27, 2015

Native Network Scanner - foreach-object (PowerShell)

1..255 | foreach-object {[System.Net.Networkinformation.Ping]::new().Send("192.168.1.$_") } |where-object {$_.Status -eq "success"} | select Address

In PowerShell, Oct 23, 2015

Status Monitoring - Statusbar

How to have one line updated, for example showing available disk space updated every second.Within one line: while true; do echo -ne "$(df | grep /dev/sda4)\\r"; sleep 1; donehow ...

In Linux, Oct 19, 2015

SFC is deprecated, use dism instead

Often sfc.exe reports errors that it cannot resolve automatically. Instead of "sfc.exe /scannow" run as Administrator: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /C...

In System recovery, Oct 19, 2015