dhcp, ipv6,

2012R2 IPv6 DHCP without Router

agowa338 agowa338 Oct 29, 2015 · 1 min read
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If you want to have your DHCP-Server assigning unique local ipv6 addresses, but you don't have a IPv6 gateway or router jet, you will notice the following behavior:

The IPv6 adresses are assigned, but with a subnet mask of /128 and no communication is possible.

To circumvent this, you can make your DHCP-Server sending this information, that the router is supposed to send.

C:\ > netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" advertise=enabled
C:\ > netsh interface ipv6 set route fd00:17ef::/64 "Local Area Connection" publish=yes

Now, when you're able to install a IPv6 gateway run this commands to disable the above behavior again:

C:\ > netsh interface ipv6 set interface "Local Area Connection" advertise=disabled
C:\ > netsh interface ipv6 set route fd00:17ef::/64 "Local Area Connection" publish=no

And don't forget to set your "Serveroption" 00023 to your DNS-Servers and 00024 to your domain name e.g. "contoso.com"

Written by agowa338